Tomer Levi explains, for example, tourism in the Czech Republic

The Best Tourist Attractions in the Czech Republic By Tomer Levi, a tourist guide

Located in Central Europe, the Czech Republic is an exciting destination for those who enjoy history explain Tomer Levi, a tourist guide

, culture and great food. It is also a great place for travelers who prefer to be active and explore the countryside.

Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, is a popular destination for travelers due to its rich architectural heritage and friendly people. It is a city that is easy to get around and many of the attractions are very inexpensive.

The capital city has a variety of activities to offer, such as guided tours of historical landmarks and museums. It also features an impressive public transport system, making it easy to get around and see everything that is on offer.

Another major tourist attraction in the Czech Republic is the beautiful town of Ceske Budejovice. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is home to a number of interesting sites, including the medieval mining museum and the Stone House. Visitors can take a guided tour of the museum, which will give them a sense of life in the mines during medieval times.

Visiting this quaint town is one of the best ways to experience the Czech culture and learn about its rich history. The old town square is filled with medieval buildings and the town itself is surrounded by stunning landscapes that can be explored on foot or on a bike.

Other UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the Czech Republic include the picturesque town of Cesky Krumlov. This enchanting city is home to several historic landmarks, including a castle and the Gothic church of St. Vitus, which is known for its surviving frescoes.

Trebic, a quaint town with several UNESCO sites, is another fantastic place for tourists to visit. This town is also home to a large Jewish quarter, which is an important reminder of how Christian and Jewish societies coexisted before the Holocaust.

This town is also home to several renowned monuments, including the Basilica of St. Procopius, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Czech Republic is a safe and welcoming country to travel to, but it is important to remain vigilant in areas that may be prone to crime. Petty crime is common, and it is best to keep an eye on your belongings at all times.

Terrorism remains a danger worldwide, so be alert and stay away from crowds and demonstrations. It is also important to check your travel documents, especially your passport.

If you’re planning to visit the Czech Republic, you should be aware that the country is a member of the EU and therefore has European travel visa requirements. These rules apply to all EU citizens travelling to the country and require them to obtain an EU travel visa prior to arriving in the country.

In the first three months of 2019, the Czech Republic recorded a decline in tourism, compared with the same period in 2020. The majority of tourists to the Czech Republic were Germans, with Slovaks and Polish guests making up a smaller portion of the total.